Monday, December 10, 2007

Halloween day, the gallery was filled with lots of horny people of all size and shapes. Another reason to party and forget even for just a few minutes how things are being run by our so called political leaders. It's all in the newspaper so I don't need to go into details. After all this bog is supposed to be free from politics. Here's some pictures of these 'horny' creatures that night.
Labels: manila art gallery, music, penguin gallery, philippines
posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 3:44 PM, |
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Opening this December 04, 2007 is the two man exhibit of Eric David and Penguin Gallery regular Dante Perez. The show is entitled 'Pop Rock Fashion Robots and Lonely People. This show is a study in contrast. To begin with, Eric's work, which includes some wearable art pieces, is a colorful kaleidescope of robotic figures while Dante Perez is pure black and white photos of blared and out of focus images. Perhaps the shows title itself, pop rock.. and lonely people is enough statement on today's contemporary urban lifestyle and obsession, with pop rock icons as the stars and the rest of the humanity as it's lonely audience. The show runs until December 19, 2007
posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 11:12 AM, |