Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Welcome to Rock Ola Cafe's (Formerly Penguin Gallery) E-Zine

Rock Ola Cafe
604 Remedios Street, Malate Manila
This is the E-zine for Rock Ola Cafe/Bar (Formerly Known as Penguin Gallery). For the past 25+ years, the bar/cafe has been the hangout and watering hole of Manila's bohemian set. Established in the early 80's (when most of you readers are still in the planning stage), it has survived and witnessed the most turbulent time of the Philippines history, disasters both man made and otherwise. It had it's share of good times, bad times and hopefully it will become timeless.
This is the start of Rock Ola's new journey. The blog will contain links to the on-going art/installation exhibit (aptly called the GALLERY), whats on the shop (the CRAFTSHOP) and some live music schedule (the Live MUSIC). I am not a writer, nor am I an "art" expert. But I drink a lot and use to hang out in the place.
So forgive me if I've wasted your time, post your comments, good or otherwise.
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