Tuesday, March 21, 2006
iPODS, MP3's and the lost art of Album covers

If there is anything more sad about the proliferation and advent of "digital music", it is the death of beautiful art work and photographs found in album covers...
I remember the days, when I would scourge 2nd hand record shops around Manila, mostly in the area known as "university belt" At times, I would simply purchased a record (or vinyl or LP) just because of the album covers. Nowadays, with music being downloaded at a blinding "speed" with possibly hundreds and thousands of songs being crammed into a mp3 player, today's younger generation is probably (this is just my opinion) missing one of the simple joys and "ritual" of a musical experience. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the video and digital revolution, But there is simply this magic of listening to your favorite band while looking at the delightful album cover and reading the interesting liner notes about the recording. I missed these magical musical moments. All the while, I took them for granted. I never imagined there would come a time when music will just "come from nowhere". I realized now that part of my musical adventure was the joy of looking and ogling at the beautiful art work. For me, they looked so nice and beautiful that I would hang them like poster and stared at them while l "digest" the music . Here is my tribute to some of the album covers of yesterday. Please pardon my indulgence,
(Shown here Janis Joplin and Big Brother Holding Company's "Cheap Trill" and Emerson Lake and Palmer "Tarkus" album circa 1970's)
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