Wednesday, June 28, 2006

After months of silence from the organizers of last year's Fete dela Musique, we decided to celebrate our own fete dela musique at the bar. Simply entitled "Fiesta Musika" (or fete dela musique in French), I was able to convince (or rather coerced) some of my musician friends to "volunteer" for a good cause and play for free for one(1) night. We gathered around 15 bands that night, with music ranging from jazz, rock, world and accoustic. Also present that night were friends from the island of Boracay who participated in the drumming session.
Each band played a maximum of 3 songs each (or 30 minutes). Too bad as everybody had a good time and for most musician a three song set is barely a warm up time.
Thanks a lot guys!

posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 2:58 PM, |
Monday, June 26, 2006

June 17, 2006Friday night. we had the band Brass Munkeys performing some of hottest swinging rock and roll music. Brass Munkeys is composed of roughly eight (8) guys playing music from the swing era of jazz while obviously influenced by Metallica.? Or whatever, good thing though rock and roll doesn't always have to be dominated by guitar players right? or some guys swearing and shouting the whole time.
We had the whole audience dancing and swaying to the beat that night. It was time to convert the bar into a dance hall. and dance the night away! I must swear I saw Duke Ellington among the audience. Or could it be the just the magic of music or some potent brew?
posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 11:42 AM, |
Thursday, June 15, 2006

May 29, 2006 It was one of those boring and "usual" night at the bar when my friend and drinking buddy from way back came to the bar. He brought along his new found friends from guess what ?? Burkina Faso, Africa. What started as ordinary night turns out to be one of the musical highlights since I took over this "aging" behemian home. The guys and gals from this African nation turns out to be performing for the recent International Drama workshop. After a few drinks of magical brew, our conversation shifted to music and I showed them the handmade djembe drums which I am making at the shop Being drummers and dancers, they decided to perform and played for two(2) nights, complete with costume and dancing, It was a night of pure percussive bliss and sensual dancing. The day after, I could hardly moved any muscle. The captured audience went wild with frenzy movement.
Ahh the joys of owing and running this bar! 
posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 3:46 PM, |

MAY 26, 2006
It was a celebration of some sort, marking the 80th birthdate of probably one of the most important figure of jazz music, Miles Davis. Born May 26, 1926 Miles Davis established himself as great composer, master of improvisation and elevating jazz music into one of America's great cultural contribution to humankind.
That night we had the Johnny Alegre's Affinity (Johhny Alegre, Koko Bermejo and Dave Harder) and Bo Razon's (with Koko Bermejo on drums and Meong Pacana - bass) Javadelic group playing an all Miles Davis composition. I just realized that the extended four hours of playing is not enough to cover his entire body of work.

posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 3:32 PM, |

Tuesday Night, May 09, 2006The last time I saw Cesare Syjuco, if I can recall correctly was right here in Penguin Cafe (now known legally as Rock Ola Cafe). The event was the launching of the band Faust very first CD. Faust is composed of Cesare and Jean Marie's children. That night I had a visual and aural overdose.
So I got the surprised of my life when I received a text message from Ronnie (Lazaro) informing me that Cesare would be launching his latest work of poetry, entitled " Home is the Underground" . It was also a reunion of sort for all veterans and alumni and believers of Penguin Cafe spirit. This time however, I had no visual and aural overdose.I came well prepared for the night.
It was a night of pure free flowing words, wisdom and unadulterated weirdness.
The night opened with poetry reading from Jim Libiran, Vim Nadera (my apologies for not getting the right cue on his background music), Krip Yuson, Bob Balingit (accompanying himself with a guitar) and another sets of much younger poets.
You know ? This is a line from Krip Yuson's poetry tribute to late Pepito Bosch. I first heard of this piece recited during the Pepito's 1st death anniversary. If you know what he means, I mean you know. THINK!
Lirio Salvador (visual artist and avant garde/industrial music proponent) played his sandata musical instrument. he was accompanied by a performance artist who decided to stiched his lips (using surgical needle) while Lirio was playing his music. It added enough fuel to ignite the audience fertile imagination and shock. After completely stitching his mouth closed, he proceeded to recite his poetry. Of course by this time it was already inaudible and you could hardly understand the words. By this time all of us was grimacing in our own make believe pain.

posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 3:30 PM, |
No, there is nothing wrong with the title, I am simply refering to the band, The Sound and Drip. The "Sound" consists of 5 guys playing what I call "feel good" groove-based melodies. There is nothing angry nor preachy about their music. It is music made to make you want to dance or sit down and relax . Their set consisted of original composition influenced by the bossa nova movement. Bossa Nova while being popularized during the 60's movement is given a fresh treatment with the use of new arrangement and chord patterns. There is nothing better than a 'clean' sounding guitar tone. Distortion can sometimes mess with the music, if it is used way too much. As for the cover songs that they played that night, who am I to rant when I hear a Gil Scot Heron composition (The Bottle?). It is the perfect music for summer
The band Drip, on the other hand, is pure electronica bliss. Fronted by the sultry singer, Beng Calma (sultry is actually an understatement and over abused word to describe her, (I personally found her, without sounding porno, to be one of the most 'sensual' singer around) You are simply mesmerized by the whole experience of watching the interplay between the electronic soundscape produced by her bandmates, Malek Lopez, Ian Magbanua and a guy on the turntable (here's a perfect example of one of my weaknesses, remembering names????). and the movement of Beng Calma as she goes from one song to the other. I suddenly realized that I have to go out more often just to watch new and upcoming bands before they hit the radio stations (AND DIE OF NATURAL DEATH DUE TO OVERPLAY). I have nothing against radio stations but do you have the same feeling that they all 'suck' after awhile ??? 
posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 3:22 PM, |
Title: Babae Sa Tagaraw APRIL 25-May 24 2006
Medium : Digital Photography/Musical Performance
A R T I S T S :
Carol Bello
Libay Lisangan Cantor
Indira Endaya
Aileen Familara
The exhibit draws inspiration from four (4) women of different persuasions. Carol Bello, is known more as chantress/vocalist for the world music group, Pinikpikan, Libay is into film direction and Palanca awardee for short story writing, Indira a broadcast veteran of both the AM and FM radio and Ailleen works for a NGO group, ISIS International. All of them have discovered the power of digital photography to express themselves.
posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 3:19 PM, |
Title : Contra Pelo
Medium : Mixed Media/Photos/Musical Performance and Installation
Eghai Roxas
Lirio Salvador
Rio Callar
Joselito Juandayan
Rona Ramos
Rodel Pamittan
Tom Daquioag
Michael de Guzman
Bryan Ramos
Sherwin Carrillo
Richard Tuazon
Bob Balingit
Ernie Arquion
The exhibit opened with a musical performance by Lirio Salvador's "elemento" group. They played some industrial "avant garde" music. (whew!). While these might seem too heavy a description for their music, I found them really grooving and tight. Strangely enough, I their music is at times "danceable". Is this the effect of too much rap metal playing on the radio these days ??
Here's a picture of Lirio and his bandmates while playing his "sandata" instrument

Typical of Lirio Salvador's work is an installation of musical instruments using "found" objects, such as water faucet, bicycle parts and parts of old discarded electronic toys. The sound is produced with the help of electric current.
Detailed of Eghai Roxas work "Automation Series #9"

posted by Penguin Gallery-BARFLY at 3:12 PM, |