Thursday, June 15, 2006
The "sound" of Drip

No, there is nothing wrong with the title, I am simply refering to the band, The Sound and Drip. The "Sound" consists of 5 guys playing what I call "feel good" groove-based melodies. There is nothing angry nor preachy about their music. It is music made to make you want to dance or sit down and relax . Their set consisted of original composition influenced by the bossa nova movement. Bossa Nova while being popularized during the 60's movement is given a fresh treatment with the use of new arrangement and chord patterns. There is nothing better than a 'clean' sounding guitar tone. Distortion can sometimes mess with the music, if it is used way too much. As for the cover songs that they played that night, who am I to rant when I hear a Gil Scot Heron composition (The Bottle?). It is the perfect music for summer
The band Drip, on the other hand, is pure electronica bliss. Fronted by the sultry singer, Beng Calma (sultry is actually an understatement and over abused word to describe her, (I personally found her, without sounding porno, to be one of the most 'sensual' singer around) You are simply mesmerized by the whole experience of watching the interplay between the electronic soundscape produced by her bandmates, Malek Lopez, Ian Magbanua and a guy on the turntable (here's a perfect example of one of my weaknesses, remembering names????). and the movement of Beng Calma as she goes from one song to the other. I suddenly realized that I have to go out more often just to watch new and upcoming bands before they hit the radio stations (AND DIE OF NATURAL DEATH DUE TO OVERPLAY). I have nothing against radio stations but do you have the same feeling that they all 'suck' after awhile ???

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