Thursday, June 15, 2006
Africa Calling : The Sound of Burkina Faso

May 29, 2006
It was one of those boring and "usual" night at the bar when my friend and drinking buddy from way back came to the bar. He brought along his new found friends from guess what ?? Burkina Faso, Africa. What started as ordinary night turns out to be one of the musical highlights since I took over this "aging" behemian home. The guys and gals from this African nation turns out to be performing for the recent International Drama workshop. After a few drinks of magical brew, our conversation shifted to music and I showed them the handmade djembe drums which I am making at the shop Being drummers and dancers, they decided to perform and played for two(2) nights, complete with costume and dancing, It was a night of pure percussive bliss and sensual dancing. The day after, I could hardly moved any muscle. The captured audience went wild with frenzy movement.
Ahh the joys of owing and running this bar!

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